Environment, quality, sustainability
Extraodinary in production an planning.
The topic of sustainability has been a major influence on public discourse for years and will certainly gain in importance in the future. Maintaining our environment is a challenge that must be addressed in order to preserve the livelihoods of our and subsequent generations in the future.
For these reasons, Hund Möbelwerke GmbH & Co KG has been certified according to the environmental standard DIN ISO 14001. By setting up and adhering to the management systems DIN ISO 14001 and DIN ISO 9001, the entire company is undergoing a continuous improvement process. Our goal is to control and optimize environmental impacts of our company and the quality of our products according to a responsible company policy according to firmly anchored criteria.
Our products also offer the “Blauer Engel”. The “Blauer Engel” takes into account the entire life cycle of a product and, above all, promotes the use of wood from sustainable forestry and low-emission wood materials.