The office is alive! A statement that is sometimes daring in the age of Corona and the home office debate. The office offers emotional closeness and creates shared experiences which, even in the age of the home office, are indispensable for good work. But that doesn’t mean that everything stays the same. Even not in the office.
Focus On: New Work – storage space at the workplace

Feeling good at the workplace
The theme of “New Work” has also arrived in the SME sector. The shortage of skilled workers and the need of employers are reshuffling the deck. This change has also reached the office, or more precisely, office furniture. Perhaps the best way to describe this change is to say that in the past, the office primarily served the interests of the employer and was there to accomplish the professional task. Today, the office does not exclusively serve the interests of the employee, but the interests of the employee play a much more important role. The term “feel good” is used, which goes far beyond the almost classic theme of “ergonomics”. But what does ‘feeling good’ mean? Beautiful pictures on the wall, extravagant furniture? Probably not. Rather, it is furniture that serves the task and the employee, that is entitled to a certain value.
Accanto 2.0 makes its own contribution to feeling good at the workplace
How and where does communication take place? What promotes communication? These are essential questions to which office furnishings must find an answer. The Accanto 2.0 programme makes its own contribution to feeling good at the workplace. Storage space at the workplace remains an important organisational element. Despite digitalisation. But it is becoming increasingly modular. The classic container is no longer sufficient. Accanto 2.0 offers additional add-on elements that enable individual and valuable workplace configurations. And all this in a uniform design language. In keeping with our elaborate modularity, Accanto 2.0 is our new functional addition to our desk systems. The office is alive! And becomes modular!
*** Product- , OFML data and brochure will be available in late summer. ***